Mouthy, Grace,
Trevor is a real mischievous bastard but, because he's honest, I forgive him wholeheartedly. Happy be the merciful ones.
well it arrived today... 50.poundi sent him$ 50----he only got 23.80 i think if i remember rightly.. i received back in the exchange $56.37 so i was better off.. he did write a letter with it.
but he just mentioned how your all out to "get" him..... just thought i would let you all know he did come across!!!!!!.
Mouthy, Grace,
Trevor is a real mischievous bastard but, because he's honest, I forgive him wholeheartedly. Happy be the merciful ones.
the hell with that.
my husband came to my store today telling me that we are so close to the end now, he can tell by all the changes in meetings.
you know the kool-aid edition and time frames etc.
I haven't gone through all your story but my first idea while reading your post is that, if you and your husband love each other, you must choose your husband first, don't let the WTS, or your own resentment toward your former JW life, separate you, all this religious quibbling is not worth a marriage. Splitting a couple on religious ground is playing into the hands of fanatism. There are many religiously divided homes, mates just manage with that, with a bit of good will on each side.
i had no reason to ever question the validity of who trevor and linda were.
i believed.
isn't that what friends do, trust?
We were mourning, let's sheer up now, Linda is well and happy in everlasting net world life!
this is our very own purplesofa's daughter!
let's tell her how happy we are she's joined us!.
does this make her a purplechair, or purpleloveseat?.
Bienvenue, Marie, ta Maman est une femme très courageuse
some days its so far in my past, i can hardly recall it.
this morning it was very close.
i can go along for months, sometimes years and not think about it.
That's utterly despicable, coming from a man toward a woman and I feel a lot of compassion for you, Purps, let alone the fact that I find you write very well, but I believe that some people have violence in themselves. I've kept telling my son that a boy must NEVER beat a girl,and it turns out that my daughter is the violent element in the family. So, what's to be done ?
someone correct me if i'm not entirely clear on any possible "new light" on this issue, but i got to wondering about something that the watchtower teaches that seems downright frightening.
okay, so the "anointed" are supposed to be whisked right up to heaven after death, "in the twinkling of an eye" as the scripture goes, to an immortal life serving as princes with jesus and co-ruling with him for the millennial reign.
am i correct so far?
It seems pretty risky to grant immortality to a bunch of humans considering the blatant imperfection shown by many of these "anointed" ones
Not only that but they are granted this immortality (let's keep in mind that some will survive until after A) even before they have really overcome the trials that will go with the GT, "a tribulation such as has not been from the beginning, nor ever shall be", plus the 1000 years (a long time indeed) and finally the final test with Satan, whereas the poor old bastards of the great crowd will have to fight their way to eternal life like in hurdles race. So much for equal shares of Holy Spirit.Who is the master mind on the East River who has devised such a brilliant scheme, a real praise to God's justice.
playing golf today with my sister she tells her bosses son - he is 28 yrs old.
he awoke one morning last week with an erection.
not uncommon among those in that age bracket.
I wonder if king Henri IV of France would have died from leukemia, had he not been assassinated. He confided ones that until age 40 he thought it was a bone. But why on earth was he known as Le vert Galant ?
a couple of jw friends came yo visit us today and we had dinner together.. at some stage in the conversation, i said that i do understand that an increasing number of jws from developing countries take emblems at memorials because, if we consider that europe and the us compose, together, about 700 million people, there is no good reason why nearly the whole lot of the little flock should be chosen from one tenth of humankind.
it is therefore all too normal that jws from third world counties think that they should have their fair share since jehovah id not partial.
the husband listened attentively and agreed but his wife probably found that we were engaging on a slippery ground and she shortened the visit.
Now look at what you have done.That poor woman is probably going through mental hell right now with her cognitive dissonance.
I promiss, Honesty, I'LL DO IT AGAIN !
Well, if I can and I may not have another opportunity with those two, as I will sure be labeled as an earthen vase meant for an unhonourable use and unworthy of enjoying wholesome upbuilding association
Or.....maybe the wife thought she got enough of the needed brainwashing for the week and didn't want to talk about spirtual stuff.
There might be part of that, Lisa. Also the wife, as her husband has been recently baptized, wants to protect him, and her own quietness, from suspicious destabilizing questioning.
a couple of jw friends came yo visit us today and we had dinner together.. at some stage in the conversation, i said that i do understand that an increasing number of jws from developing countries take emblems at memorials because, if we consider that europe and the us compose, together, about 700 million people, there is no good reason why nearly the whole lot of the little flock should be chosen from one tenth of humankind.
it is therefore all too normal that jws from third world counties think that they should have their fair share since jehovah id not partial.
the husband listened attentively and agreed but his wife probably found that we were engaging on a slippery ground and she shortened the visit.
firstfruits...the word is plural and implies a gathering (the 144,000)
You seem to infer that the firstfruits are the 144 000. Do you mean that they lived and have been resurrected (as spiritual beings I suppose) in the span of time between Jesus' stay on earth and his second coming ? Why not, after all, but there's a flaw : I checked with a couple of different versions of the Bible, (, not one of them let the reader believe that the firstfruits stand for the anointed disciples, they all read plainly that the firstfruits represent Jesus.What is this denomination that teaches something which seems to be so obviously at odd with the biblical text ?
a couple of jw friends came yo visit us today and we had dinner together.. at some stage in the conversation, i said that i do understand that an increasing number of jws from developing countries take emblems at memorials because, if we consider that europe and the us compose, together, about 700 million people, there is no good reason why nearly the whole lot of the little flock should be chosen from one tenth of humankind.
it is therefore all too normal that jws from third world counties think that they should have their fair share since jehovah id not partial.
the husband listened attentively and agreed but his wife probably found that we were engaging on a slippery ground and she shortened the visit.
The Anointed are not among the JW's at all, PERIOD!
in saying this you enter into the WTS theology already since, to my knowledge, there is no other denomination which teaches the 2 classes. Anyway, since our insight has been updated lately and we know now that the heavenly call has actually been kept open ever after 1935 with no time limit until A, the Chinese throngs have their chance. The fact that there is a risk of having the little flock a bit over-manned is but a detail.